Composite/Altered Bat
Dixon Little League (DLL) will enforce the following bat policy approved by District 64.
If an illegal or altered bat is found in the dugout, the manager and player who brought the bat will be immediately ejected. There will no longer be any tolerance on this issue and if a DLL Board member hears of an illegal bat in use they will inform the umpire that the game must stop and the offending manager, player and bat must be removed before play resumes.
If a player is using an approved full composite bat, the manager needs to carry documentation with them at all times.
It is your responsibility to check with Little League International to ensure your child's bat is approved for use in Little League.
If a child is hurt and it is found that a illegal or altered bat was used, Little League insurance will not cover it.
The manager and/or player WILL BE liable for any injuries and/or fees that may occur.
Official Approved Bat Listing
Little League Bat Rules
If you have a fully composite bat, meaning both the handle and barrel are made of composite material, it must be on the Little League International website with a picture of the bat. If there is not a picture of the bat, then it is illegal. No exceptions.